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Birthday 'Blue' Backdrop 6x3ft*
Birthday 'Blue' Backdrop 6x3ft*
Birthday 'Blue' Backdrop 6x3ft*

Birthday 'Blue' Backdrop 6x3ft*


Duration: 24 hrs rental

Set up: Included

Additions: Icons

Overview: Add some wow factor to birthdays with our vibrant, attention grabbing signs. Our signs come in a range of designs, colours, and fonts. Plus, you can customise with names and ages for an extra-special touch. From toddlers to grandparents, our signs will make any birthday celebrant feel like a star. So why whisper when you can shout your love? Our "Happy Birthday" signs, make every birthday unforgettable! *Please note the full set-up size for our backdrops can be closer to 8ft wide by 4ft high. Suitable for both indoors and outdoors. We deliver, install, collect & dismantle.

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Address: Unit A, 82 James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, United Kingdom, IP28 7DE

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