Let's get your booking Started
Updated: 3rd August 2023
Payment in made in full at the time of booking.
You are paying for rental of our greeting signs. These displays are owned by WE DO GREETINGS LTD and not available for purchase.
If for any reason you need to cancel your order you must do so 14 days in advance to receive a full refund.
Delivery, set up installation and a take down/collection service of the greeting signs is included in the rental price.
Yes you can - with one stipulation. There must be at least one adult in the home we will be installing at that knows we are coming, and you must share our terms and conditions with them. We don't want to ruin any surprises, however it is extremely important that someone at the home knows that we are coming and what our policies are. Please note on the order form the "Name of Recipient" if the home we are delivering to is not your own residence.
Display pieces are water resistant and built for outdoors, however sprinklers create a problem in that their repetitive motion batters the signs. Therefore, we ask that you turn your sprinklers off the entire time the greeting display is on your property.
Just like garden, our greetings signs vary in length and size. You can note where you would like your sign installed on the rental form, and we will do our best to accommodate that request. Ultimately, we will install your sign in the best suited area of your lawn for visibility based on the size of the display. Sometimes we will need to flow with the curves of your lawn, sometimes a straight but angled installation is best, and sometimes multi levels are needed for narrower gardens. If your garden is too heavily sloped, a patio or hardstanding installation may need to occur.
Refunds will NOT be given based on the following:
Greeting Signs are fun in nature and meant to add to your occasion. We will not do any greetings that contain lewd, disrespectful language or that are not positive in nature.
These terms and conditions are deemed to be accepted when you sign the Hire Contract with We Do Greetings Ltd hereinafter referred to as the “Company”. The Company trading address is We Do Greetings Ltd, Unit A, 82 James Carter Road, Mildenhall, IP28 7DE. Tel: 01525 300 747.
The “Hirer” is the person whose name & address appears on the Hire Contract of which these terms and conditions form a part. The Hirer accepts full legal liability for all the equipment listed on the hire contract(s). The Hirer must be 18 years or older “Equipment” includes the We Do Greetings Signs in an assortment of sizes, shapes and designs, Metal Stakes, Support Stands and all associated equipment. “The Hire Period” is the date from which the equipment is delivered/installed/received by the hirer from the Company until the end date that the hirer has selected for the breakdown/collection of the equipment. These dates are clearly outlined in the Hire Contract.
All bookings must be made through the website. Your booking will be confirmed, and payment will be taken at the time of booking, which is prior to the installation of The Equipment. Payment will be made via Debit or Credit Card.
The Hirer must provide an up-to-date Driving Licence and a recent Utility Bill. The Company reserves the right to refuse hire if not completely satisfied with The Hirer’s identification.
The Hirer accepts full personal liability for the equipment from the time the Hirer receives it from a member of the Company’s staff or agents, until full and safe collection at the end of the Hire Period when the Equipment is collected. The Company reserves the right to charge the Hirer the full replacement cost of such equipment in the event that it becomes damaged, lost or stolen during the period of hire. Damage loss or theft of any or all Equipment will be charged. The replacement costs are as follows: – (inclusive of VAT) The Large Backdrop Designs £195.00 each, The 18 inch Letters, Digits and Characters £35.00 each, The Smaller Accessory Signs £25.00 each, The Support Stands £70 each, The Metal Stakes £5 to £8 each depending on size.
The Hirer or his/her agent will sign for the installed equipment. By signing, the Hirer or his/her agent acknowledges that the equipment has been satisfactorily inspected & confirms that it is the equipment ordered and that it is in an acceptable condition.
If the Hirer or his/her agent, for whatever reason, is not available or cannot attend the installation address at the date/time booked and the installation of the equipment is delayed, the Company reserves the right to charge a late installation fee which for delays of over 30 minutes is £25 and if over one hour then the Company reserves the right to terminate the installation with the Customer without refund. Any and all associated Legal and recovery costs will be added to the total.
The Company reserves the right to supply alternative products to the original in the event of stocking issues caused by previously damaged equipment or late returns.
If the Hirer or his/her agent, for whatever reason, are not available or cannot arrange for collection at the date/time booked and the collection of the equipment is delayed, the Company reserves the right to charge a late fee which for collection delays of up to 2 hours is £25 and over 2 hours is the rate equivalent to one days rental. Any and all associated Legal and recovery costs will be added to the total.
a.) Theft or Damage of Equipment
Theft or damage of Equipment must be reported by The Hirer to the Company as soon as the Hirer becomes aware of the theft or damage. The Hirer must notify the company by email to info@wedogreetings.co.uk.
a.) Security of Equipment
The Hirer accepts responsibility for Equipment security until its collection and undertakes not to sell or relinquish possession, alter, repair or modify.
b.) None Removal of The Equipment
The Hirer agrees that under no circumstances will he/she or his/her agents remove the equipment from the installation address at any time during the Hire Period.
The Hirer will indemnify the Company its employees and or its agents against any claim’s actions, proceedings, damages and or liabilities arising out of or relating to the Hirers use of the Equipment. Your statutory rights are not affected.